New Story

Coming soon

ULTRA: Anarchy is a SF, futuristic, cyberpunk, post apocalyptic story that takes place after a Third World War has decimated the Earth. Out of the ashes a new world emerged. A time of peace spread throughout the world, but it would not last for long.
Old resentments and new dangerous ideas bubbled up from the graves of the dead.
Follow the Crisis Assault Team NEON on their missions to keep the world and its mighty city Imperium secure.

© Mary and Freedom Novel Writing, 2017. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Mary and Freedom Novel Writing with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Currently I am working on my FanFiction Predator: The way of the sword, and I hope to post it soon. After that I am going to start with The werewolf of Bed burg on Wattpad.


My Last Memory

What will be my last memory when I leave this world?
Will it be about my lover, my partner in crime, my best friend, my everything. Will it be about how we laughed or how we made love and disappeared into each others eyes.
Will it be about my family who was there for me every step of the way. Who supported me and loved me unconditionally.
Or will it be my friends who I shared so much with, laughed with and cried with.
Maybe, just maybe, my last memory will just be about me. And what I have done for this world and what I will be leaving behind.
But deep down I hope my last memory will be that of love.

 This beautiful piece of music produces by
Shaun Taylor McManus is just full of emotion. Go and support this amazing artist. 

The Werewolf of Bedburg


I feel my muscles scream as the change begins. My pain will be nothing, compared to hers.
Her scent fills my nostrils, I start to tremble, my blood is boiling, her taste, I can’t wait.
I first saw her yesterday, in my human form, her scent sets me off, an emotional storm is set loose in me. I want to love her, feel her, touch her. But the wolf in me only sees her as prey and wants to rip her apart. Her sweet flesh and blood, the hunger and thirst in me grows stronger.
I kill with a throat bite, to silence her screams I could decapitate her, in my powerful jaws.
My human side in me is losing the battle to natures laws the transformation is almost complete.
A person, a monster, a wolf, but also a man. Love her or devour her, kill her or make her on off my own The wolf growls disdain, at my human side. Death is all it desires.
Closer she comes, hiking through the dark forest Secretions of woman scent, carried on the breeze.
Inflamed with passion and hunger, in both man and beast, I see her now, as the wolf readies to feast.
The sight, the smell, I am losing all control, A blood lust unfolds.
Closer, closer, closer… no chance now to flee, the smell of her femaleness, drives me insane.
Are these my thoughts or the wolf? I am trembling, from both pleasure and pain. She sees me, she’s running, like she can escape, time for the kill. I bite into her warm flesh, the smell, the taste, the sight.
Fear overwhelms her, she passes out from the pain and blood loss.
Lustful yearnings still boiling, in me. Death, blood, hunger. Yes, this is defiantly the wolf talking.
And when I wake up I will no longer remember what I have done and the woman will be dead or became another of my sins. I am a monster, forever to be cursed That is just how nature works.

-The werewolf of Bedburg on natures laws

This is the story of a monster that terrorized a German village for years with unspeakably cruel crimes and murders. In the late 16th century the town of Bedburg, Germany was terrorized by a diabolical creature that slaughtered its cattle and snatched away its women and children, killing them with unspeakable morbidity. The shocked and horrified townspeople feared that they were being victimized by a raving, bloodthirsty werewolf who lived among them. This is the story of Peter Stubbe, the werewolf of Bedburg whose crimes plunged a German town into an unimaginable bloody nightmare that no one could escape but what is the truth? What really happened? Was he a monster? Or was he set up for a greater cost.
It wasn’t easy being a farmer in 16th-century Germany. It was hard enough just to get anything to grow in a time before pest control and fertilizers. Then there was the constant threat of roving brigands who had no qualms about stealing your livestock or burning your crops and the religious war between the Protestantism and the Roman Catholics was raining on. But for farmer Peter Stubbe, life was even tougher. He had just become a widow and was left with 2 children, a son and a daughter take care of. His wife had died suddenly, he was broken by this. He loved his wife she was his support and strength. His neighbours and friends supported him through the harsh times, but they also could see he was a broken man. His daughter did everything to cheer him up and his son tried not to bother him as much. Being a father was all ready hard for Peter but the fact that his fellow farmers from the village were pushing him to re-marry did not really help. All he wanted was to be left alone, but he knew that he could not live forever like this. Some people said that this was the turning point for Stubbe that this was the moment he became a monster. Others say he was always a monster from the moment he was born and that he had killed his own wife. That he had sold his soul to the devil to become a raging monster, a demon, a hungry wolf ready to kill anybody how was unlucky enough to cross his path.
A man without a soul, a man bound to kill and stalk the defenceless and the weak. They say only one creature kills out of pure pleasure and that is the werewolf. They are raving monsters with a never ending trust for tearing everything to pieces.
The truth is, if a werewolf behaves like a monster, a murdering psychopath it wouldn’t be because it is a beast, but because there is still a part human in his left, because only humans kill for sport.
Nonetheless a wolf does not concern himself with the opinions of the sheep. Maybe people are just monsters who can tell. Even a man who is pure of heart and says his prayers by night may become a wolf when the wolfs bane blooms and the autumn moon is bright.

© Mary and Freedom Novel Writing, 2016. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Mary and Freedom Novel Writing with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

The Wolf

Hoc saeculum splendium accelere fiat venire olim,
Kyrie Eleison
Dies irae, dies illa Solvet saeclum in favilla.
Quantus tremor est futurus quando judex est venturus.
Kyrie eleison
Non confundar in aeternum
Libera me Domine
Quando caeli movendi sunt bella premunt hostilia
Da robur, fer auxilium
Gere curam mei finis
Kyrie eleison

This bright millennium let it come someday, Lord have mercy.
Day of wrath, that day shall consume the world in ashes.
What trembling is to be when the judge is coming.
Lord, have mercy.
Let me not be damned for eternity
Free me, Lord
When the heavens shall be moved, our enemies besiege us.
Give us strength, bring us aid.
Help me in my final hour.
Lord, have mercy

This is a tale of a hunter and a monster….

In 1766 the small town of Sarlat was in the menace of a monster. A so called wolf from hell was terrorizing the locals. The wolf got his own nickname: Black paw for his fur was a black as the night. An local huntsman named Monsieur Dubex was charged with hunting down the beast. He gathered a hunting party of one-hundred men and set out after the animal. The men walked quietly through the forest, looking behind every bush to see if they saw signs of the wolf. Nothing, only silence.

“Dubex, are you sure you saw the wolf escape this way ?” one of the men asked. Dubex did not immediately answerer. He was not entirely sure if the beast had escaped to the forest, but if it was smart it would. Dubex looked into the men’s eyes and decided that truth would work best with these man. “No, I am not sure.” He answered. “But it is the most logical thing to do.”

“Logical? You think that… that  beast can think?”

“Yes, I do.” Dubex said  determined.

The man looked at Dubex like he was gone crazy but did not say a word anymore.
The men moved on through the forest, as silent as mice. After what almost seemed like hours, Dubex notice, a soft rustle of leaves behind them. Something was following them. He signaled the others to keep their eyes open. Dubex heaved up his rifle and peered into the dark. The sound had stopped, like the wolf was matching their paste, if it was a wolf at all. He had heard villagers talk about a hell hound or a werewolf, a man that could shape shift between man and beast.

“Where is it?” One of the men whispered.

“I don’t know.” Another replied.

“Quite!” Dubex hissed. “It is close.”

A icy scream that went through bone an merge broke the silence of the forest. Dubex turned and saw one of his men being dragged away from the group. Without think he jumped forward to grab the men’s arm. “Help me!” the men screamed, but it was too late. The wolf bite his throat out. Dubex felt warm blood run over his hand. He could feel the warm breath of the beast, the odor coming of the animal smelled like rotten flesh and wet dog.

“No!” one of the men yelled and jumped on the back of the beast. The wolf turned his attention away from Dubex and towards this new sound. The men and the wolf wrestle on the ground, but the beast was strong and snapped the men’s neck with his powerful jaws. The wolf growled and charged the hunting party, that flee like cowards or wise men. Dubex scrambled back and looked at the beast. In his attack the wolf had killed two men.

“Black Paw. ” Dubex said slowly. The wolf looked at him his eyes black like coal burning with bloodlust. For some reason Dubex had the feeling that the wolf understood him. Black Paw jumped with one mighty leap over the huntsman head and disappeared back into the dark.
Dubex grabbed his rifle that had fallen on the ground en pursuit the wolf. The animal was fast but Dubex was not losing sight of it. He needed to get it out in the open so that he could take a good shot at the beast. Dubex trapped the wolf in a meadow, and aimed his rifle at it. The wolf turned and growled at the huntsman. It was not going to accept defeat that fast. It charged at him. Dubex shot it at point-blank range. The wolf Black Paw was dead. Dubex took a closer look at the beast that had cost so much trouble. The wolf was roughly thirty inches at the withers and four feet, four inches in length. He notes that its appearance combined some physical characteristics typical of foxes and greyhounds, so it was a hybrid. Just a animal, nothing special.

The huntsman returned to the town with the animal strapped on his back and showed the people of Sarlat the monster that was terrorizing them.

“Black Paw is dead!!” the people sheared in joy. Dubex got a wealthy reword for his actions. He saw his fellow men from his hunting party looking away in shame. He could not blame them, they were not huntsman like him. They were not used to the dangers of the forest. “Au” Dubex looked down his hand was hurting. A ugly cut was visible on his left hand. The wolf must have scratched him when it attacked him. Strange it looked like the wound was already healing.

That night the villagers celebrated the death of Black Paw not knowing that there terror was not yet over. As they sang their song next to the big fire, a wolf could be heard howling.

“Eyes black like coal, big paws with sharp claws and its blood, his blood is poison. We are making a big fire to burn it to ashes so that there is no return. This will be your tomb and our triumph over Black Paw. We go down the trail to end Black Paw’s soaring.”

The end.

© Mary and Freedom Novel Writing, 2016. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Mary and Freedom Novel Writing with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


24 Hours of Plagues

This is a story series I am starting, I hope to post a chapter every week or month, it depends on how much time I have. 

The sweat dripped from officer Janikovszky’s head, he only had a few minutes to disarm the bomb before he whole building would blow up.
“We should wait for the bomb squad Thomas.” His fellow officer said, next to him.
“We don’t have the time.” Tomas answered. “It is now or never.”

Thomas Janikovszky is a police officer of the Sidedown Bridge police department. His life changes completely when he gets a call about a bomb in a school building. He only has a few hours to disable the bomb until something happens that scatters the peace in Sidedown Bridge City.

© Mary and Freedom Novel Writing, 2016. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Mary and Freedom Novel Wrinting with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.