Planet Earth II

Must watch: Planet Earth is one of the most beautiful documentaries. If you need inspiration I would recommend watching it.

My Last Memory

What will be my last memory when I leave this world?
Will it be about my lover, my partner in crime, my best friend, my everything. Will it be about how we laughed or how we made love and disappeared into each others eyes.
Will it be about my family who was there for me every step of the way. Who supported me and loved me unconditionally.
Or will it be my friends who I shared so much with, laughed with and cried with.
Maybe, just maybe, my last memory will just be about me. And what I have done for this world and what I will be leaving behind.
But deep down I hope my last memory will be that of love.

 This beautiful piece of music produces by
Shaun Taylor McManus is just full of emotion. Go and support this amazing artist. 



Two steps from Hell…. In my opinion the most incredible and inspiring production music company today.

Two Steps from Hell is an American production music company based in Los Angeles, California, founded by Thomas J. Bergersen and Nick Phoenix in 2006. The company focuses predominantly on making movie and trailer music, and has supplied tracks to films such as Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean, X-Men and much more.

Listen to one of their tracks from the Classics, Vol 2 album:

You can find more info on them on their website and you can buy their tracks on iTunes and google play.
Music does make you braver.


Memories of a Geisha

Have you ever read Memories of a Geisha or watched the film? In one word master piece. love it. The music is just amazing!


Click on the pricture to listen to the play list.

Music and writing

Music is for me an important part of writing. It gives me inspiration and it helps me create the right mood and setting for a story. This track from James Camerons motion picture Avatar composed by James Horner is amazing when you are writing an epic fantasy battle.


Current work in progress: TWOB

Currently I am working on a story called The werewolf of Bedburg the damnable life and death of Peter Stubbe. This is the summery:

In the late 16th century the town of Bedburg, Germany was terrorized by a diabolical creature that slaughtered its cattle and snatched away its women and children, killing them with unspeakable morbidity. The shocked and horrified townspeople feared that they were being victimized by a raving, bloodthirsty werewolf who lived among them. This is the story of Peter Stubbe the werewolf of Bedburg, a man that sold his soul for lust and power. But is this the truth?

Totally the music I listen to when i am writing for this story.