A plot hole or plot error is a gap or inconsistency in a storyline that goes against the flow of logic established by the story’s plot. Such inconsistencies include such things as illogical or impossible events, and statements or events that contradict earlier events in the storyline. As an example, we are going to take a look at the latest Resident Evil film.
Note* This post contains spoilers from Resident evil: The final chapter.

Okay let’s first get a quick run down of the franchise explained by Milla Jovovich.


Now lets’s examine the plot holes in the Resident Evil franchises that have popped up because of this final movie.

The T-virus was made by Dr. Charles Ashford for his daughter Angela Ashford. Angie possessed the same degenerative condition as her father, Angela was eventually going to spend the remainder of her life in a wheelchair. Her father prevented this by developing the t-Virus. While in almost all cases of humans infected with the virus, suffering uncontrollable mutation, the reanimation of dead cells that the t-Virus caused was enough to allow Angela to regenerate her limbs and walk again if kept in check with injections of an anti-virus. This was the established story in the second movie Resident Evil Apocalypse. In Resident Evil the final chapter this is completely erased. With no explanation at all. Now the virus is made by James Marcus for his daughter
Alicia Marcus, who had progeria, a deadly disease that caused Alicia to prematurely age at an accelerated rate. Alice is a clone of Alicia.
Now it could be possible that Dr. Ashford and Dr. Marcus developed it to getter for both their daughters, but that is never explained.

In The final chapter it is revealed that Umbrella released the T- virus, but in the first movie it was said that Spence an Umbrella employee in a romantic relationship with Alice released the virus to sell then the ant-virus on the black market. Umbrella seemed not to know about that and tried to contain the virus.
It is possible that this was done on purpose. Alice was a clone created to act as a guard for the mansion, its possible Spence was also a clone as well, especially since Umbrella has been shown to use clones for security tasks. Also pointing to this is that Doctor Alexander Isaacs wished for the T-virus to be released to create an apocalypse and so may have planted Spence programed for this very purpose. And the containment part has been just a distraction for the public.

The red queen can not harm umbrella employees, according to The final chapter. But in the first movie and Retribution she harmed Umbrella employees.
This could be explained that it maybe has to do with certain Umbrella employees.

All these plot holes could be explained, but they are not. That is quite a shame it could help making the movie feel like a hole. I really like the Resident Evil movies and the games. I I just wish that they had taken a more critical look at the storyline coherent.

So here are some tips to find your plot holes and fix them:

  1. Know your story well
  2. Examine your plot
  3. Character checklist
  4. Know the laws of your story’s world.
  5. Utilize beta-readers.

Remember every story will have faults. No writer is perfect.

Here is the awesome soundtrack from Paul Haslinger an Austrian musician and composer who composed many soundtracks for films, series and games like Underworld, Fear The Walking Dead and Far Cry Instincts.

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