We don’t read novels to have an experience like life. Heck, we’re living lives, complete with all the incompleteness. We turn to fiction to have an author assure us that it means something.
~Orson Scott Card~


We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.
~Ernest Hemingway ~

Writers exercise 12

Using the following short story outline write the ending incorporating a twist: An agrophobic servant escapes from their abusive masters isolated house.

Writers exercise 11

Write an hundred word outline for a story  using the following characters: The dying bank robber planning one last big job and the younger brother.

24 Hours of Plagues

This is a story series I am starting, I hope to post a chapter every week or month, it depends on how much time I have. 

The sweat dripped from officer Janikovszky’s head, he only had a few minutes to disarm the bomb before he whole building would blow up.
“We should wait for the bomb squad Thomas.” His fellow officer said, next to him.
“We don’t have the time.” Tomas answered. “It is now or never.”

Thomas Janikovszky is a police officer of the Sidedown Bridge police department. His life changes completely when he gets a call about a bomb in a school building. He only has a few hours to disable the bomb until something happens that scatters the peace in Sidedown Bridge City.

© Mary and Freedom Novel Writing, 2016. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Mary and Freedom Novel Wrinting with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Writers exercise 10

Grab a sheet of paper and start two columns. In one column list ten nouns and in the other column list ten verbs. Pair them up randomly and write a sentence for each pair. Write a story that uses all ten sentences.

Writers exercise 8

Using the following short story outline write the ending incorporating a twist: A woman struggles to get her sick mother to hospital through thick snow.